need to bring their products to market faster, collaborate fluidly among
remote locations and across language barriers, integrate suppliers and
deliver products tailored to customer needs all while increasing
innovation and beating out the competition. Cross-functional
communication is the key that unlocks the potential success in
enterprise resource planning (ERP,) product data management (PDM) and
business process re-engineering. Only when engineering, manufacturing,
finance and administration, and sales and marketing all speak the same
language, both up and down the value chain, will true enterprise-wide
product communication and all its benefits be achieved. The gateway to
the enterprise and to this superior level of product communication is
the desktop.
Design's IPA (Interactive Product Animator) addresses companies' needs
to communicate products and their designs globally, across physical and
linguistic barriers, in real time. Immersive Design's vision, which grew
from its MCAD-specific roots to incorporate the broader functions within
the enterprise, identifies desktop product communication as the key to
moving information back and forth along the value chain. IPA uses the
desktop as the gateway to universally share information that spans
across product design, development, creation, sales and service - the
desktop product communication solution for the enterprise. IPA is the
communication tool for Solid Edge and other CAD packages, that provides product information across the enterprise
in the form of highly visual full motion animations. The animations are
Microsoft standard and can be easily embedded in documents,
presentations and html pages.